All about wasps

In Britain there are two main types of wasps we deal with. They are the common wasp (vespula velgaris) and the German wasp ( vespula Germanica) there is a third which is manily found in southern areas of Britain called the median wasp (dolichouespula media) which has cause many scare stories in the news known as the Euro-Wasp. The median wasp is the largest in size followed by the German wasp and the common being the smallest.

We treat wasp nests using an insecticide called FICAM D which contains the chemical Bendiocarb 1% w/w. This is a modern biodegradable insecticide that is not highly toxic to mammals, but is extremely so to the hymenoptera group of insects (Wasps, Bees and Ants). The entrance to the nest or the nest itself will be treated using this insecticide. After treatment the nest will remain in a hyperactive state for a few hours, but usually Wasp activity ceases much sooner.

After the treatment many people want the neat removed but this is not always necessary. Firstly if a nest was removed as soon as the treatment was carried out then the wasps that were out foraging would return, find no nest & attempt to rebuild the wasp nest. They only attempt to rebuild the nest if it isn’t there.  So we would suggest waiting at least 4 week before any attempt is made to remove it. In a lot of cases the wasp nest is not accessible. The nest may be in a cavity wall or roof area that cannot be accessed.

Being a pest controller we get to deal with many different nests in all sorts of places it’s what makes our job so different and interesting.